Numeric integrationΒΆ

In numeric integration, one aims to compute (an approximate) solution of a definite integral. One of the simplest method is to use the trapezoidal rule. With it a definite integral \( \int_a^b f(x) dx \) is approximated by computing the sum $$\sum_{k=1}^N \frac{(x_k - x_{k-1})(f(x_{k-1}) + f(x_k))}{2}$$ where \( N > 0 \) and \( x_k = a + \frac{k}{N}(b - a) \). That is, the interval \( [a,b] \) is divided into \( N \) sub-intervals \( [x_{k-1},x_k] \) and for each sub-interval the area \( \int_{x_{k-1}}^{x_k}f(x) dx \) is approximated with the formula \( (x_k - x_{k-1})\frac{f(x_{k-1}) + f(x_k)}{2} \).

The example figure below shows the approximation of \( \int_{0.3}^{2.9} 2\sin(x) dx \) (the area shaded in blue) when \( N=4 \): the approximating area of the sub-interval \( [x_2,x_3] \) is shaded in red.


The larger the number \( N \) of sub-intervals is, the better is the approximation. Of course, if the method is applied in some safety-critical application, one should also take into account the precision of the numeric data type used in the implementation (32-bit floats, 64-bit doubles or something else).

Computing the sum is an embarrassingly parallel problem as each sub-interval area approximation \( (x_k - x_{k-1})\frac{f(x_{k-1}) + f(x_k)}{2} \) can be computed independently in parallel. The Scala implementation methods below are as follows:

  • ​ integrate: the sequential reference version,

  • ​ integratePar1: a straightforward but not so successful attempt to parallelize with .par, map, and sum, and

  • ​ integratePar2: parallelization by dividing the sum index set \( [1..N] \) into \( 128 P \) sub-sets, where \( P \) is the number of available CPU cores, and then computing the sum for each sub-set in parallel, The amount \( 128 P \) is heuristically selected instead of \( P \) so that if one thread gets interrupted because some other process is scheduled to run, the overall computation can proceed in other sub-sets. Observe that computing the final sum is not parallelized; with current multicore machines, \( P \) is small and the time of computing the sum of \( 128P \) values is negligible compared to the other computations.

// A helper to sum over a sub-set [start..end] of indices [1..n]
def integrateInterval(f: Double => Double,
		      a: Double, b: Double,
		      start: Int, end: Int,
		      n: Int): Double = {
  require(0 <= start)
  require(start < end)
  require(end <= n)
  val range = b - a
  var xPrev = a + start * range / n
  var fPrev = f(xPrev)
  var sum: Double = 0.0
  var i = start+1
  while(i <= end) {
    val xCurrent = a + i * range / n
    var fCurrent = f(xCurrent)
    sum += (xCurrent - xPrev) * (fPrev + fCurrent) / 2
    xPrev = xCurrent
    fPrev = fCurrent
    i += 1

def integrate(f: Double => Double, a: Double, b: Double, n: Int): Double = {
  require(a <= b)
  require(n > 0)
  integrateInterval(f, a, b, 0, n, n)

def integratePar1(f: Double => Double, a: Double, b: Double, n: Int): Double = {
  require(a <= b)
  require(n > 0)
  val range = b - a
  (0 until n) => {
    val xCurr = a + i * range / n
    val xNext = a + (i + 1) * range / n
    (xNext - xCurr) * (f(xCurr) + f(xNext)) / 2

def integratePar2(f: Double => Double, a: Double, b: Double, n: Int): Double = {
  val P = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors
  val nofTasks = n min 128*P
  (0 until nofTasks) => {
    val start = ((n.toLong * t) / nofTasks).toInt
    val end = ((n.toLong * (t+1)) / nofTasks).toInt
    integrateInterval(f, a, b, start, end, n)

The plot below shows the running times of different methods when computing $$\int_0^1 \sqrt{1-x^2} dx$$ for different values of \( N \). The results are obtained on a desktop machine with a quad-core Intel i5-2400 processor running at 3.1 GHz and Scala version 2.12.2.


The method integratePar1 is not included in the plot because it is slower than the sequential version: the map method probably builds an intermediate array over which the final sum is then computed. It also has to compute the \( x_k \) and \( f(x_k) \) values twice for each \( k \) while the others are iterative and compute the values only once for most of the indices.

The parallel version integratePar2 obtains a near-linear speedup of roughly 3.7 when \( N = 5 000 000 \).